Tender Notice

Name of Work: Main Kitchen Building in TAPF, Kakinada
PQ vendor details form  Please click to download the form
Please fill in all necessary details and send it to: binodkumar.yadav@akshayapatra.org or info-engg-projects@akhayapatra.org
BOQ Details
BOQ Civil Package Please click to download/view the form
BOQ Electrical Package Please click to download/view the form
BOQ PHE Package Please click to download/view the form
Quality & Safety Conditions
Covid Safety instruction Please click to download/view the form
Quality Control Plan Please click to download/view the form
Safety Guideline Please click to download/view the form
Quality Plan Kakinada Please click to download/view the form
General Terms & Conditions Please click to download/view the form
Drawing Details
BOILER HOUSE-240307 Please click to download/view the form
Electrical Schematic 11-03-2024 Please click to download/view the form
Kakinada-FF-WD-240307 Please click to download/view the form
Kakinada-GF-WD-240307 Please click to download/view the form
Kakinada-MF-WD-240307 Please click to download/view the form
Kakinada-SITE PLAN-WD-240307 Please click to download/view the form
Kakinada-TERRACE-WD-240307 Please click to download/view the form
SECTIONS-240307 Please click to download/view the form
SECURITY ROOM-240307 Please click to download/view the form
BOQ PHE Package Please click to download/view the form
Name of Work: Main Kitchen Building in TAPF, Agra.
Time of completion: 12 months
Built up area in Sq.ft: 50,000 sqft
Estimated Award of Work: March 2025
Date of Tender Notice: 21.02.2025
Last Date of Receipt of Technical documents: 29.02.2025
PQ vendor details form Please click to download the form
Please fill in all necessary details and send it to: binodkumar.yadav@akshayapatra.org or info-engg-projects@akhayapatra.org


TAPF (The Akhayapatra Foundation)is releasing a tender call for qualified Building Contractors as per below given PQ Criteria which are a must

Brief Scope of Work: G+1 with Mezzanine floor – Industrial Building Grade, RCC structure, in Agra, time of completion 12months and includes Electrical and Plumbing

Financial Criteria

  1. Average Annual T/O of the company shall not be less than 20 Cr in last three FY (FY 2021-2022,2022-23,2023-24,2024-25 – Any three consecutive) (Mandatory)
  2. They should be a profit making company in last three FY (FY 2021-2022,2022-23,2023-24,2024-25 – Any three consecutive) (Mandatory)
  3. They should be registered under relevant category of services and should have a history ofnot less 5 years in the industry(Mandatory)
  4. They shall provide copy of POA (Power of Attorney) or authorized person to sign on contracts for the registered company for proof (Mandatory)
  5. The company shall preferably provide an insolvency certificate for a minimum value of 3 Cr from a scheduled or Nationalised Bank ( Not mandatory) – those who provide will get additional weightage in Tech Evaluation – 5 marks
Technical/ Experience Criteria
  1. They should produce Work completion Certificates for similar nature projects (Similar projects means Industrial Sector building in RCC framed structure and of considerable size and work order value) under any three category given below
    • One RCC framed building of built area not less than 40,000 sqft and work order value not less than 8Cr
    •  Two RCC framed buildings of built area not less than 22,000 sqft and work order value not less than 6Cr
    • Three RCC framed buildings of built area not less than 15,000 sqft and work order value not less than 4.5Cr
  2. The qualifying buildings shall have electrical and Plumbing Works also in the scope of work order and shall have been competed after 2017 March

Other Documents

  1. Tenderer shall provide their Organisation Structure and list of employees and their
  2. qualifications
  3. Tenderer shall provide a list of all Equipments and shuttering materials they possess inhouse
  4. The method statement they paln to have for the work tendered

Intersted contractors who are resourceful enough to complete the above volume of works in 12 months may please forward their Technical Documents to the email ids mentioned below for Tech Bid clearance

Building contractors who clear the mandatory pre-qualification criteria only will be considered for opening of Price bids. Commercial Price bids shall not be sent by Email Price bids sent by Email or sent without adding Technical Documentation will not be qulaified for Price Bid Opening.

Your Technical documents shall reach us within 7 working days (25th Feb 2025) after date of publishing of this notice.

Venkata Krishna Sharma Director CSS For Akshaya Patra

Date : 17.02.2025

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